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Last update: 2024-07-02
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Mr. LIN Tsalm-Hsiang
Independent Non-executive Director
Mr. Lin Tsalm-Hsiang, aged 67, obtained a doctor degree of Finance from Boston University. He is currently an independent non-executive director of CAPITAL Securities Corporation, a company listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE: 6005). Mr. Lin is also a professor in the Department of Banking & Finance of Tamkang University and the Honorary Chairman of the Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan.

Mr. William Lin used to serve as a director of TWSE and the member of Securities Listing Review Committee. He also served as an independent non-executive director of Global Lighting Technologies Inc.(TWSE:4935)and a director of various listed companies in Taiwan. Mr William Lin has been working at various universities as an adjunct professor in Asia.
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