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Board of Directors | Board Committees
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Mr. ZHANG Ping
Non-executive Director |
Mr. ZHANG Ping, aged 56, joined the Group as a non-executive Director of the Company in March 2016. Mr. Zhang also currently serves as the non-executive director of China Shengmu Organic Milk Limited (stock code: 1432). Mr. Zhang is a vice president and the chief financial officer of Mengniu. Mr. Zhang holds several directorships in certain subsidiaries of Mengniu including the director of Inner Mongolia Mengniu and Inner Mongolia Mengniu Danone Dairy Co., Ltd.. Mr. Zhang also takes the position of non-executive director in Yashili since 27 April 2015. Mr. Zhang graduated from Beijing Information Science and Technology University with master’s degree in management engineering, and has over 25 years of experience in the industry of fast-moving consumer goods, specializing in the management of operation, finance and audit as well as risk control. He successively worked as manager of internal audit and system development, finance director at Swire Beverages Co., Ltd, general manager of its bottler manufacturing company and chief executive officer of Coca-Cola Bottler Manufacturing Holdings Limited. |