Material Information


PCSC announces the investment in Mainland China

Subject: PCSC announces the investment in Mainland China
Date of events: 2024/02/26 To which item it meets: paragraph 20
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/02/26
2.Method of the current increase (decrease) in investment:
 Indirect investment through President Chain Store (BVI) Holdings Ltd.
 to President Chain Store (Hong Kong) Holdings Limited
 to President Chain Store (Shanghai) Ltd. and President Chain Store
 (Zhejiang) Ltd.
3.Amount, unit price, and total monetary amount of the transaction:
 (1)President Chain Store (Shanghai) Ltd.:RMB 300,000,000.
 (2)President Chain Store (Zhejiang) Ltd.:RMB 400,000,000.
4.Company name of the mainland Chinese investee:
 (1)President Chain Store (Shanghai) Ltd.
 (2)President Chain Store (Zhejiang) Ltd.
5.Paid-in capital of aforementioned mainland Chinese investee:
 (1)President Chain Store (Shanghai) Ltd.:RMB 700,000,000.
 (2)President Chain Store (Zhejiang) Ltd.:RMB 210,000,000.
6.Amount of capital increase currently planned for the aforementioned
mainland Chinese investee:
 (1)President Chain Store (Shanghai) Ltd.:RMB 300,000,000.
 (2)President Chain Store (Zhejiang) Ltd.:RMB 400,000,000.
7.Main businesses of the aforementioned mainland Chinese investee:
 (1)President Chain Store (Shanghai) Ltd.:Convenience store
 (2)President Chain Store (Zhejiang) Ltd.:Convenience store
8.Type of CPA opinion in the latest annual financial statements of the
aforementioned mainland Chinese investee:
 (1)President Chain Store (Shanghai) Ltd.:Unqualified opinion
 (2)President Chain Store (Zhejiang) Ltd.:Unqualified opinion
9.Total equity of the aforementioned mainland Chinese investee in the latest
annual financial statements:
 (1)President Chain Store (Shanghai) Ltd.:RMB 94,040,000
 (2)President Chain Store (Zhejiang) Ltd.:RMB 42,035,000
10.Amount of profit/loss of the aforementioned mainland Chinese investee in
the latest annual financial statements:
 (1)President Chain Store (Shanghai) Ltd.:RMB -66,784,000
 (2)President Chain Store (Zhejiang) Ltd.:RMB -45,298,000
11.Amount of actual investment in the aforementioned mainland Chinese
investee, up to the present moment:
 (1)President Chain Store (Shanghai) Ltd.:USD 107,580,000
 (2)President Chain Store (Zhejiang) Ltd.:USD 31,687,000
12.Trading counterparty and its relationship with the Company:N/A
13.Where the trading counterparty is a related party, announcement shall
also be made of the reason for choosing the related party as trading
counterparty and the identity of the previous owner, its relationship with
the Company and the trading counterparty, and the previous date and monetary
amount of transfer:N/A
14.Where an owner of the underlying assets within the past five years has
been a related party of the Company, the announcement shall also include the
date and price of acquisition and disposal by the related party, and its
relationship with the Company at the time of the transaction:N/A
15.Profit (or loss) upon disposal:N/A
16.Terms of delivery or payment (including payment period and monetary
amount), restrictive covenants in the contract, and other important terms
and conditions:N/A
17.The manner in which the current transaction was decided, the reference
basis for the decision on price, and the decision-making unit:
 Board of Directors
19.Concrete purpose of the acquisition or disposal:Long-term investment
20.Any dissenting opinions of directors to the present transaction:N/A
21.Whether the counterparty of the current transaction is a related party:
22.Date of the board of directors resolution:NA
23.Date of ratification by supervisors or approval by
the Audit Committee:2024/02/26
24.Total amount of investment in mainland China (including the current
investment) approved by the Investment Commission, up to the present moment:
 NTD 9,865,546,000 (excluding the present investment)
25.Ratio of the total amount of investment in mainland China (including the
current investment) approved by the Investment Commission, up to the present
moment, to the paid-in capital on the latest financial statements:
 94.90% (excluding the present investment)
26.Ratio of the total amount of investment in mainland China (including the
current investment) approved by the Investment Commission, up to the present
moment, to the total assets on the latest financial statements:
 6.20% (excluding the present investment)
27.Ratio of the total amount of investment in mainland China (including the
current investment) approved by the Investment Commission, up to the present
moment, to equity attributable to owners of the parent on the latest
financial statements:
 27.06% (excluding the present investment)
28.Total amount of actual investment in mainland China, up to the present
 NTD 5,645,683,000
29.Ratio of the total amount of actual investment in mainland China, up to
the present moment, to the paid-in capital on the latest financial
30.Ratio of the total amount of actual investment in mainland China, up to
the present moment, to the total assets on the latest
financial statements:3.55%
31.Ratio of the total amount of actual investment in mainland China, up to
the present moment, to equity attributable to owners of the parent on the
latest financial statements:15.48%
32.Amount of recognized profit (loss) on investment in mainland China for
the last three years:NTD -1,144,103,000
33.Amount of profit remitted back to Taiwan for the last
three years:USD 260,000
34.Whether the CPA issued an unreasonable opinion regarding the current
35.Name of the CPA firm:N/A
36.Name of the CPA:N/A
37.Practice certificate number of the CPA:N/A
38.Any other matters that need to be specified:
 1. President Chain Store (BVI) Holdings Ltd. plans to invest US$80 million
 to President Chain Store (Hong Kong) Holdings Limited.
 The above-mentioned capital increase amount of US$80.00 million and the
 amount of self-owned funds of US$18.11 million will be used to increase
 the capital of President Chain Store (Shanghai) Ltd. and President Chain
 Store (Zhejiang) Ltd. respectively.
 2.This proposal is pending to be approved by Board meeting.
 Any opposition or retaining opinion will be further disclosed.