Material Information


PCSC announces on behalf of PRESIDENT CHAIN STORE (BVI) HOLDINGS LIMITED for important resolution of 2024 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting.

Subject: PCSC announces on behalf of PRESIDENT CHAIN STORE (BVI) HOLDINGS LIMITED for important resolution of 2024 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting.
Date of events: 2024/02/27   To which item it meets: paragraph 18
1.Date of the shareholders meeting:2024/02/27
2.Important resolutions (1)Profit distribution/ deficit
  compensation:Adoption of the Proposal for 2023 Profit Distribution
3.Important resolutions (2)Amendments to the corporate charter:None.
4.Important resolutions (3)Business report and financial statements:
 Ratification of 2023 Financial Statements
5.Important resolutions (4)Elections for board of directors and
6.Important resolutions (5)Any other proposals:Adoption the investment to
 President Chain Store (Hong Kong) Holdings Limited as its additional
 capital to invest in the Chinese subsidiary.
7.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.