Material Information


Announcement of new members of remuneration committee appointed by board of directors

Subject: Announcement of new members of remuneration committee appointed by board of directors
Date of events: 2024/06/12 To which item it meets: paragraph 6
1.Date of occurrence of the change:2024/06/12
2.Name of the functional committees:Remuneration Committee
3.Name of the previous position holder:
 Ke-Wei Hsu, Liang Chen, Yung-Chen Hung
4.Resume of the previous position holder:
 Ke-Wei Hsu:Independent Director of Nidec Chaun-Choung Technology Corp.
 Liang Chen:Chairman of Peak Capital Holdings Inc.
 Yung-Chen Hung:Director of Kinpo Electronics, Inc.
5.Name of the new position holder:
 Ke-Wei Hsu, Liang Chen, Yung-Chen Hung
6.Resume of the new position holder:
 Ke-Wei Hsu:Independent Director of Nidec Chaun-Choung Technology Corp.
 Liang Chen:Chairman of Peak Capital Holdings Inc.
 Yung-Chen Hung:Director of Kinpo Electronics, Inc.
7.Circumstances of change (Please enter “resignation”, “dismissal”,
“term expired”, “death” or “new appointment”):Term expired
8.Reason for the change:Term expired
9.Original term (from __________ to __________):2021/08/03~2024/07/15
10.Effective date of the new member:2024/06/12~2027/05/29
11.Any other matters that need to be specified:None