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PCSC announces on behalf of President Chain Store (Hong Kong) Holdings Ltd. for important resolution of 2024 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting.

Subject: PCSC announces on behalf of President Chain Store (Hong Kong) Holdings Ltd. for important resolution of 2024 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting.
Date of events: 2024/08/28 To which item it meets: paragraph 18
1.Date of the shareholders meeting:2024/08/28
2.Important resolutions (1)Profit distribution/ deficit
  compensation:Adoption of the Proposal for 2023 Profit Distribution
3.Important resolutions (2)Amendments to the corporate charter:NA
4.Important resolutions (3)Business report and financial statements:
 Ratification of 2023 Financial Statements.
5.Important resolutions (4)Elections for board of directors and
6.Important resolutions (5)Any other proposals:Adoption the re-appointment
 of Zhen Hui Certified Public Accountants as the auditors of the Company
 and authorize the Board of Directors to determine the remuneration.
 The tenure will be until next Annual General Shareholders' Meeting.
7.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.