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In accordance with the rules set by the paragraph 4 of article 25 of Operation


1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/05/03
2.For the company for whom the endorsements/guarantees were made, please
specify name of endorsed/guaranteed company, its relationship with
the Company providing endorsements/guarantees, the ceiling on the
endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD), the original amount of
endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD), the amount of the current additional
endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD), the amount of
endorsements/guarantees as of the date of occurrence (thousand NTD), the
actual loaned amount of the company for whom endorsements/guarantees were
made (thousand NTD), and the reason for the current additional
Name of endorsed/guaranteed company:TPK Universal Solutions Limited
Relationship with the Company providing endorsements/guarantees:Affiliate
the ceiling on the endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD):
NTD 9163147 thousands
the original amount of endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD):
NTD 5039311 thousands
the amount of the current additional endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD):
NTD 0 thousands
the amount of endorsements/guarantees as of the date of
occurrence (thousand NTD): NTD 5039311 thousands
the actual loaned amount of the company for whom endorsements/guarantees
were made (thousand NTD): NTD 1746871 thousands
the reason for the current additional endorsements/guarantees:
Due to the working capital and foreign exchange transactions needs of
TPK Universal Solutions Limited and its Taiwan branch,
the endorsed/guaranteed will expire on June 15, 2024,
so it is planned to be extended for another year by expiration.
3.For collaterals provided by the company for whom the
endorsements/guarantees were made, the content and the value (thousand NTD):
4.For the latest financial statements of the company for whom the
endorsements/guarantees were made, the Capital (thousand NTD) and Cumulative
gains/losses (thousand NTD):
the Capital: NTD 18,232,937 thousands
Cumulative gains: NTD -7,218,187 thousands
5.For termination of endorsement/guarantee obligations, the condition and
the date:
Depends on the signed contract
6.The total amount of the ceiling on endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD):
NTD 18326294 thousands
7.The total amount of endorsements/guarantees as of the date of occurrence
(thousand NTD):
NTD 5039311 thousands
8.The amount of endorsements/guarantees as a percentage of the
public company’s net worth on the latest financial report as of the date of
9.The aggregate amount of equity method investments,
endorsements/guarantees, and monetary loans extended to others as a
percentage of the public company’s net worth on the latest financial
10.Any other matters that need to be specified:

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