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Lineage, Welcome Back to the Mobile Gaming World! Gamania Announces Obtaining Publishing Rights for Flagship Mobile Game Title《Lineage M》in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao

Gamania is dedicated to operating mobile gaming market and just announced today obtaining the publishing right for flagship mobile game title 《Lineage M》 in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. 《Lineage M》 is developed by the Korean giant NCSOFT and features the environment from the original PC online game《Lineage》. It is scheduled to launch in Korea in 1H17 and expected to release in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao by the end of this year.

Combined strong R&D power from NCSOFT and successful marketing experiences from Gamania, the classical PC online game 《Lineage》 has dominated in the Mandarin world for over 17 years. 《Lineage M》 is expected to continue the vigor of 《Lineage》, to attract Lineage lovers back to the game and hit the market record again.

As one of the most popular PC online games in Taiwan, 《Lineage》is very sustainable with accumulated over 9 million players. It once recorded 0.2 million peak concurrent users and 0.7 million monthly log-in users. Both middle-age and teenage players share the same memory with the classical 《Lineage》.

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