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Gamania exhibits the significant product and services at Taipei Games Show (TGS) 2019
Gamania Group has achieved remarkable performance records in 2018, and is releasing several major information today: First, there will be 2 main exhibition areas in 2019 TGS; Second, there will be 3 new titles, inclusive of 《魔力寶貝》手遊版, 《便利商店口袋版》, and 《櫻桃小丸子手遊版》, to be launched in 2019; third, the classic mobile game《Lineage M》will launch a new class “龍鬥士” in January; Last, Gamania officially starts promoting campaign for the super mobile platform - beanfun! which offers NT$100mn  to users and invite everyone to experience new mobile life through beanfun! platform. 

Gamania Group Chairman Albert Lu said, “In development for 2 years, the beanfun! App is now able to build an eco-internet system, reshaping Taiwan internet industry. In first phase, we come to work with 76 strategic partners, consist of ETMall, KKbox, Lion Travel, PChome, ESun Bank, Taishin Bank, Metro Taxi, etc. to serve various life functions. On top of Gamania group’s 13mn user base, we are targeting Taiwan’s 2.3mn residents, aiming to be the mobile life App big hit, and eventually finishing the last step of our group transition.” Albert further announced that, “starting 25th Jan, the beanfun! App will giveaway NT$100mn. Simply open beanfun! wallet and pay in our over thirty thousand locations.”

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