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Gamania (6180.TWO) is the official agency of 《Wars of Prasia》from Nexon
We are thrilled to announce that Gamania became the official agency of《Wars of Prasia》.

《Wars of Prasia》is a cross-platform MMORPG available on PC and mobile, and it is from the Korean gaming giant Nexon (3659.T), with its biggest development team invested in its history. Gamania is the official agency in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau and expects to launch it in Taiwan this year.
《Wars of Prasia》offers players exhilarating warfare experiences anytime, anywhere, without time or geographical constraints, allowing them to forge their own stories in an expansive game world.

《Wars of Prasia》Official website:https://warsofprasia.beanfun.com

《Wars of Prasia》Facebook fan page:https://www.facebook.com/warsofprasia.tw 

《Wars of Prasia》YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/@user-warsofprasia

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