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2021 Q4
Gamania Group (Ticker: 6180:TT) today announced its 2021 financial results in accordance with IFRS:

Fiscal year 2021 consolidated revenue was NT$11.4 billion, YoY+9%, primarily driven by outperformance of MapleStory, which hit a record-high sales again, moreover, solid performance of the new title as well as various business units also lifted consolidated revenue to the second highest on record. Gross profit was NT$4.8 billion, YoY+20%. As the product mix shifted toward the ones with higher gross-margin and the better expense ratio, operating income reached NT$ 1.7 billion, YoY+52%. The net income to owners of the parents was NT$1.1 billion, YoY+27%, and EPS was 6.30. Both consolidated revenue and net income reached the second highest on record. Gamania Group Board of Directors also approved the distribution of a NT$5.0 per share cash dividend for fiscal year 2021.
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