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2006 Q2
TAIPEI, Taiwan, August 30, 2006 – Gamania Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. today announced its first-half year financial results ended June 30, 2006.Net sales revenue was NT$1,362 million, and Income after tax was NT$137 million in 1H06, Net sales revenue in 1H06 increased 59.6% YoY, gross profit grew 46.3% YoY to NT$639 million, operating income in 1H06 increased 150.1%, Income before tax was NT$189 million, also a significant improvement compared with NT$65 million in 1H05. The better operating performance in 1H06 was mainly due to the boom of『Maple story』released in 2H05 and continuous popularity of 『Lineage』, which brought about the increase in OLG revenue, and considerable decrease in loss from equity investments overseas. Looking forward, 『Maple story』and 『Lineage』 are expected to succeed the prosperity , and『Crazy Arcade BnB』began to takeoff in July, which will benefit Gamania’s overall performance in 2006.
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