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2006 Q1
Taipei, Taiwan, April 28, 2005 – Gamania Digital Entertainment Company today announced its first quarter audited financial results ended March 31, 2006.Net sales revenue was NT$696 million, and Income before tax was NT$92 million in 1Q06, Net sales revenue in 1Q06 increased 26.29% QOQ. Gross profit grew 22.93% QOQ to NT$326 million. Income before tax was NT$92 million, also a significant improvement compared with a loss of NT$226 million in 4Q05.Net sales, gross profit and operating income in 1Q06 increased 53.77%,39.05% and 95.30% YOY. respectively. The better operating performance in 1Q06 was mainly due to the release of new version of 『Maple story』 in the end of January, which brought about the increase in OLG revenue, and considerable decrease in loss from overseas equity investments.
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