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2008 Q3
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., Oct 27, 2008 ─ Gamania Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. (OTC: 6180) today announced its consolidated revenues of NT$2,847,344 thousand, gross margin of $1,412,434 thousand with gross margin rate 49.61%, operating income of $294,558 thousand, and consolidated after-tax income of NT$246,226 thousand; its unconsolidated revenues of $2,280,536 thousand, gross margin of $1,109,901 thousand with gross margin rate 48.67%, operating income of $355,955 thousand, net income of $248,866 thousand, and earnings per share (EPS) $1.62 for the 9-month period ended Sep 30, 2008 based on reviewed financial statements.
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