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    Monthly sales for calculation is as following
  • Our book-keeping currency is US dollar.
  • In response to IFRS & TWSE's requirements, Jan & Dec 2012 NTD/USD were changed to 30.275 & 29.055, respectively.

Unit: USD, 000

Month 2024 MoM% 2023 YoY%
January 170,887 -20.43% 178,762 -4.41%
February 147,300 -13.80% 178,640 -17.54%
March 173,341 17.68% 212,236 -18.33%
April 176,193 1.65% 179,478 -1.83%
May 177,309 0.63% 179,105 -1.00%
June 238,735 34.64% 171,190 39.46%

Unit: NTD, 000

Month 2024 2024 Exchange Rate MoM% 2023 YoY% 2023 Exchange Rate
January 5,247,074 30.705 -21.83% 5,489,776 -4.42% 30.710
February 4,609,030 31.290 -12.16% 5,365,463 -14.10% 30.035
March 5,474,094 31.580 18.77% 6,468,956 -15.38% 30.480
April 5,638,172 32.000 3.00% 5,465,099 3.17% 30.450
May 5,773,167 32.560 2.39% 5,499,424 4.98% 30.705
June 7,735,010 32.40 33.98% 5,264,102 46.94% 30.75