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Last update: 2024-07-02
Income Statements | Balance Sheet | Cash Flow Statement | Working Capital Ratio | Turnover Breakdown
Cash Flow Statement Download Ratio Summary
Expressed in HK$'000 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Selected cash flow statement data
Net Cash from operating activities 21,176 76,689 18,901 30,140 44,617 11,558 21,724
Net Cash used in investing activities -32,003 -67,729 -58,625 -48,890 -29,157 -38,770 -67,607
Net Cash from/ used in financing activities -160,568 -96,101 20,024 28,061 10,422 13,211 42,628
Net increase/(decrease) in cashflow -171,395 -87,141 -19,700 9,311 25,882 -14,001 -3,255
Cash at the beginning of the year 428,633 288,903 181,024 145,696 161,978 193,337 168,609
Exchange of time deposits with maturities of over three months but less than one year -12,666 -2,684 1,415 -854 45
Effect on exchange rate changes 31,665 -20,738 -2,962 9,655 4,062 -9,873 1,406
Cash at the end of the year 288,903 181,024 145,696 161,978 193,337 168,609 166,805
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